Front Sight

Front Sight


17 in stock

SKU: Front Sight Category:


An identical copy of the original Millett front sight manufactured from bar stock. Height is .225 to allow adjustment for POA / POI differences.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.25 × 1.5 in

An identical copy of the original Millett front sight manufactured from bar stock. Height is .225 to allow adjustment for POA / POI differences.

You are in landscape orientation.

You are in portrait orientation.

You are definitely on a small screen.

You are definitely on a medium screen.

You are on a large (or larger) screen. Foundation 6 got lazy and did away with the extra-large sizes, but still left the breakpoint at the high end of large, meaning that this disappears if you leave it at .show-for-large-only...

Well, for the .show classes, anyway. The .hide-for-large doesn't have that limit