The CMP hammer.
The next hammer in the evolution of the roll trigger kits. Before the CMP changed the rules in 2015 a traditional spur hammer was required on a “leg” gun. To comply with that requirement, the CMP hammer was developed. The same proprietary hook geometry is used but with a different spur to make the hammer legal at the time.
Installation Instructions for Roll Trigger Kit
In addition to the hammer a lightweight disconnector and a Chuck Warner TR sear compliment and complete the trigger kit.
The hammer strut is already installed to make it as easy as possible for you to install the kit yourself. A complete set of instructions come with the kit describing the complete process in a step by step procedure.
This kit ONLY works with a standard GI style grip safety. It WILL NOT work with a beavertail grip safety because of the width of the hammer spur.
Each Roll Trigger Kit comes with a Warner TR Sear and Race Disconnector
( see image below).